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Our main concern was employing DMRC was going to break the bank.  To our surprise, we were able to get unprecedented advice for a monthly subscription fee.  How modern!

We had read about BIM (building information modelling) that it was a route to becoming digital and there is a lot in the press.  We were constantly being pushed towards buying expensive software by vendors.  So we thought we should take some advice.

With the initial discovery by DMRC, it soon became apparent that the practice needed, a different mind-set and what we can only describe as a digital infrastructure to achieve our business outcomes.  Our wish list started with, customer service & customer experience, doing things right and once only, engaging and communicating efficiently with other consultants and not losing data and finally which where the right software tools for us.

For us this was the best money we have spent in years.

We don’t draw anymore, but we build our projects virtually first and then then ensure that they are built the same in the real world.  What we don’t have today is expensive printers! churning out drawings.  It is a shame that we have to still produce drawings in a non-paper format, but that is the way of the industry.

We deliver projects in half the time and have kept our fees the same as 2016.  Our error rate is virtually down to zero, the odd slip up here and there, but we are human! Our customers are connected directly to their project work space and can see the work being done in real time.  They see the work, but to access it, they have to pay.  Cashflow is greatly increased.

The consultants we have to work with on our projects are also connected to the project work space and whatever is exchanged with them is in real time with a clear audit trail.  Very transparent.

One of the most critical things that came out of this exercise was the ability to understand simple things like project start and end, what it cost, how much the client brief changed, what mistakes the contractor made and did not do and how quickly we are responding to the customer.  This type of insight allowed us to improve on areas where we were deficient.  The buzz word is analytics and we are doing it.

We took a leap of faith in the digital transformation journey and landed in the very capable hands of DMRC.  Thank you.


How we have grown to become an efficient and agile practice by going through a digital transformation.


We thought we were already a digital practice, until we realised that exchanging pdfs by email wasn’t exactly being digital and copying Excel files and sharing with our supply chain!  We had a great conversation with DMRC, a really cool digital transformation consultancy in the construction sector.


This really opened our eyes, as to what a digital work place could look like.

From Virtual to Real
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